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Get your team talking about change – 
18 essential questions that help explore how changes are impacting you, your team and others.

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Improve Dialogue

It's fun, easy & effective

Simply download the dice, print, fold & paste. You are now ready to take a chance on change. Get your people talking about change – as a meaningful icebreaker, or a deep dive into why the proposed changes are so important.


We know the number one reason change projects fail, is because no one talked about the real deal. Don’t be one of the casualties of change; bring your people into dialogue –about change & me, we, them.


These dice are one of our Dialogue Experiments. After years as change management practitioners, we refocused our energy on how to improve the conversations that bring about change.

Join us at the Australasian Change Days
9 to 11 September 2021

We'll be running our workshop on “Improving Dialogue in Your Project” at #ACDC21 – one of the 20 workshops on steering into complexity & change. 

Jeffer London, founder of Stimulating Conversation


I'm ready to take a chance on change!

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